Bloomquist Golden


Bloomquist Golden


Bloomquist golden is an anemone type, which tend to have a shorter vase life, but make excellent event flowers. A profuse bloomer, they are a regular ole raspberry honey watercolor party on a stick. As they mature, the disk florets swell in to a puff and the ray petals reflex backward. These tubers were so prolific at providing shoots for cutting, that I ended up growing way more of these than I had planned, and they were a hit with my designer/florist customers. 4’ tall. Bred by Paul Bloomquist and introduced 2021.

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These Dahlia tubers are grown at Stars of the Meadow flower farm in Accord, NY using regenerative agriculture methods, though not certified organic. You’ll receive robust viable tubers with one or more ‘eyes’. Some varieties make small tubers and others large but all will produce healthy blooming plants. See the Growing Dahlias section of the store for more info.

Tubers are shipped in flat rate boxes via USPS Priority beginning the first week of April according to your region. We are only able to ship within the United States.